Zoological and Entomological Letters
  • Printed Journal
  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal

P-ISSN: 2788-8428, E-ISSN: 2788-8436

2024, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part B

The jungle nymph: Breeding notes and distribution of Heteropteryx dilatata

Author(s): Vítězslav Krejsa

Abstract: Phasmatodea is in many ways still an unexplored order of insects. Each year brings with it a discovery of a new species or a reassessment of the current state of knowledge. One of the most distinctive stick insects, Heteropteryx dilatata, is no exception to this fact. Its appearance attracts the attention of researchers and wildlife photographers, providing valuable information about its distribution. It has made it possible to map the range of this stick insect. Heteropteryx dilatata has been part of breeding worldwide for decades. This has shown it to be an adaptable species, able to feed on a wide variety of plants. However, there are still some requirements that need to be taken into account for a successful captive breeding of the jungle nymph.

DOI: 10.22271/letters.2024.v4.i1b.85

Pages: 95-99 | Views: 244 | Downloads: 93

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Zoological and Entomological Letters
How to cite this article:
Vítězslav Krejsa. The jungle nymph: Breeding notes and distribution of Heteropteryx dilatata. Zool Entomol Lett 2024;4(1):95-99. DOI: 10.22271/letters.2024.v4.i1b.85

Zoological and Entomological Letters