2023, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part A
Review on epidemiology of PPR, current status and its future perspective in Ethiopia
Author(s): Dr. Zenebe Tekle
Abstract: Pest des petites ruminants are severe viral infectious disease of sheep and goats. This paper focused on reviewing PPR prevalence in Ethiopia and opportunities to eradicate the diseases. In Ethiopia National sero-prevalence of PPR studies were conducted and 6.4% sero-prevalence was reported in sheep and goat. Other studies were conducted at different time with in different region and district of Ethiopia by different researchers to know the PPR sero-prevalence in sheep and goats. The overall prevalence of PPR ranges from 27.3% to 48.43% as reported from different parts of country. There is only one serotype of PPR virus, no carrier state and once vaccinated produce life-long immunity, but there is a greater challenge for the vaccination strategy due to large number of goats and sheep. As a recommendation Sero-prevalence study should be conducted in unstudied area to identify the high risky zone in order to control and eradicate the diseases.
Pages: 40-43 | Views: 700 | Downloads: 301
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How to cite this article:
Dr. Zenebe Tekle. Review on epidemiology of PPR, current status and its future perspective in Ethiopia. Zool Entomol Lett 2023;3(2):40-43.