Zoological and Entomological Letters
  • Printed Journal
  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal

P-ISSN: 2788-8428, E-ISSN: 2788-8436

2022, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A

Assessment of aflatoxin in groundnut under storage condition of Ethiopia

Author(s): Negasa Fufa

Abstract: The assessment was conducted in major groundnut producing areas of Ethiopia. The objective of the study was to detect important mycotoxins in stored groundnut and to estimate post-harvest loss due to associated mycotoxigenic fungi and mycotoxins in stored groundnut. Structured questionnaires were directed through personal interviews to obtain primary and other information from farmers, retailers and wholesalers. The data was analyzed using SPSS (version: 26.0) and the mean separated by LSD. 86% of the interviewed farmers shelling pods by their hands and 98% used sack storage. In the result of agar plate methods analysis, five fungi genera, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium, and Rhizopus & Trichoderma were identified. From these, Aspergillus species had the most dominant 75% incidence after four months of storage. Four aflatoxins, AfB1, AfB2, AfG1 and AfG2 were detected and quantified in all the surveyed areas. Among these, high levels of AFB1 386.10 and 360.96μg/kg were recorded in Limu Kosa and Limu Shayi areas of Jimma zone with a higher total aflatoxin 542.25μg/kg than the other areas. Therefore, it was concluded that the storage periods, storage methods, methods of shelling, locational differences and farmer’s ways of drying and storing favors the development of aflatoxins in the storage.

Pages: 10-16 | Views: 1008 | Downloads: 434

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Zoological and Entomological Letters
How to cite this article:
Negasa Fufa. Assessment of aflatoxin in groundnut under storage condition of Ethiopia. Zool Entomol Lett 2022;2(2):10-16.

Zoological and Entomological Letters